Friday, October 22, 2010

Your Mind in an Abyss by Chris.

Art work, Sketch books.

Pictures from the first few sessions.

Here are some pictures from our first few sessions.


We found a sponsor for our program! Jobs With Justice agreed to be our fiscal sponsor and we became a "Bread & Roses" project. That made it possible for us to pursue funding. We polished up the mock grant we presented at CAT and submitted it under the JWJ banner to the Regional Arts Commission. Just then Kresge Arts in St. Louis announced they were coming back for 2010. Only ten groups would be funded. It sounded like a long shot, but we submitted our letter of interest and we were one of the ten groups selected! Talk about excitement! RAC came through as well and we were sufficiently funded to go back to the Riverview Gardens School District to work out the details of our community arts program.

There had been some changes at the School District. Brian Jones,the Drama Coach we had been working with through our six months at CAT, along with all the teaching staff in the District, had been layed off when the State Board of Education took over the school district. He had reapplied and was waiting for confirmation that he had been re-hired. And there was a brand new District Superintendent. Dr. Rainey was good enough to meet with us in the middle of all the re-organization. He liked our program! Brian was re-hired and we were back on course!